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Holger Andreas
Associate Professor
Office: SCI 211Phone: 250.807.8130
Email: holger.andreas@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Philosophy of science, formal epistemology, logic.
Courses & Teaching
Philosophy of science, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology.
Holger Andreas’ Research Website
PhD, University of Leipzig
Research Interests & Projects
My research interrelates philosophical logic with epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of science; novel results in philosophy of mind and cogntive science have emerged from it as well.
Philosophy of Science:
Theoretical concepts, causation, and explanation.
Philosophical Logic:
Conditionals, nonmonotonic and paraconsistent reasoning, tractability.
AGM-style belief revision theory, model-theoretic argument.
Cognitive and Computer Science:
Tractability and modularity of human cognition, truth maintenance.
History of Philosophy:
Identity philosophy in Leibniz, Schelling, and Hegel.
Selected Publications & Presentations
(forthcoming): Thinking in Frames: An Approach to Tractable Reasoning, submitted to Synthese Library/Springer.
(2019): Causation in Terms of Production. Philosophical Studies, (together with Mario Günther).
(2019): A Ramsey Test Analysis of Causation for Causal Models, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, (together with Mario Günther).
(2019): On the Ramsey Test Analysis of `Because’, Erkenntnis, (together with Mario Günther).
(2019): Hypothetical Interventions and Belief Changes, Foundations of Science (together with Lorenzo Casini).
(2019): Explanatory Conditionals, Philosophy of Science 86(5).
(2018): Modular Semantics for Axiomatic Theories: An Approach to Paraconsistent Reasoning, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 47: 877-912.
(2016): A Choice-Semantical Approach to Theoretical Truth, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, (together with Georg Schiemer), 58: 1-8.
(2016) Logical Studies of Paraconsistent Reasoning in Science and Mathematics, Series: Trends in Logic, Springer, co-edited with Peter Verdée.
(2015): A Finite Memory Argument for an Axiomatic Conception of Scientific Theories, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 29:113-128.
(2014): Carnapian Structuralism, Erkenntnis 79: 1373-1391.
(2014) Perspectives on Structuralism, Special Issue for Erkenntnis, Vol. 79, co-edited with Frank Zenker.
(2013): Deductive Reasoning in the Structuralist Approach, Studia Logica 101: 1093-1113.
(2011): A Structuralist Theory of Belief Revision, Journal of Logic, Language and Information 20: 205-232.
(2011): Semantic Challenges to Scientific Realism, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 42: 17-31.
(2011): Wissenschaftslogik von Gedankenexperimenten, Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 59: 75-91.
(2010): A Modal View of the Semantics of Theoretical Sentences, Synthese 174: 367-383.
(2010): New Account of Empirical Claims in Structuralism, Synthese 176: 311-332.
(2010): Semantic Holism in Scientific Language, Philosophy of Science 77: 524- 543.
(2008): Ontological Aspects of Measurement, Axiomathes 18: 379-394. Page 13/15.
(2008): Another Solution to the Problem of Theoretical Terms, Erkenntnis 69: 315- 333.
(2008): Zur semantischen Analyse von Erscheinungssätzen bei Sellars, Facta Philosophica 10: 269-283.
(2007): Carnap’s Wissenschaftslogik. Eine Untersuchung zur Zweistufenkonzeption, Paderborn: mentis.
(2004): Das Problem der Chronometerauswahl, Journal for General Philosophy of Science 35: 205-234.