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James Rochlin
Political Science
Office: ART 256Phone: 250.807.9388
Email: james.rochlin@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Research Summary: Latin American security and political economy, Critical Security Studies, and Global Politics Theory.
PhD, University of Alberta
MA, University of British Columbia
Selected Publications & Presentations
Year | Publication |
2020 | James Rochlin, “Colombia and the Transformation of Warfare,” Global Change Peace and Security, vol 31, #1, published on-line now, in print February 2020. |
2019 | Rochlin, Jim, “Re-Imagining Colombian Security,” Small Wars and Insurgencies, vol 30, #6, 2019, 30 |
2018 | Rochlin, Jim, “Informal Gold Miners, Security and Development in Colombia: Charting the Way Forward,” The Extractive Sector and Society, 2018, (42 pgs, double spaced, original submitted manuscript). Accepted for publication 11 March 2018, published on line March 22, 2018, out in print later in 2018. |
2018 | Rochlin, Jim “Endangered City: The Politics of Security and Risk in Bogota,” Accepted for· publication 27 March 2018, for Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, to be published in 2018. (Invited Book Review) 3 pages. |
2018 | Rochlin, James, “The Political Economy of Impunity in Colombia: the Case of Colombian Labor,” Conflict. Security and Development, vol 16. #2, 43pp. |
2018 | Rochlin, James, “Boom, Bust and Human Security: Extractive Industries in Colombia,” The Extractive Industries and Society. vol 2, #3. Pp 734-745. |
2017 | Profits, Security and Human Rights: Regulating Canada’s Extractive Sector in Developing Countries (New York: Routledge Publishers,) 220 pages. (Hardback, 2015) |
2007 | Social Forces and the Revolution in Military Affairs: The Cases of Colombia and Mexico Palgrave-Macmillan (New York – London), 240pp. |
2003 | Vanguard Revolutionaries in Latin America: Peru, Colombia and Mexico Lynne Rienner Publishers, USA/UK, 320 pp. |
1999 | Descubriendo las Amerícas (Translation of Discovering the Americas, Fondo Cultural Económica México), 389 pp. |
1997 | Redefining Mexican Security: Society, State and Region Under NAFTA, Lynne Rienner Publishers, USA/UK, 230 pp. |
1994 | Discovering the Americas: The Evolution of Canadian Foreign Policy Towards Latin America (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1994, 300 pp.). |
Referred Articles
2018 | “Informal Gold Miners, Security and Development in Colombia,” The Extractive Industries and Society, vol 5, #3, pp 330-339. |
2016 | “The Political Economy of Impunity in Colombia: the Case of Colombian Labor,” Conflict, Security and Development, vol 16, #2, pp.173-196. |
2015 | “Boom, Bust and Human Security: Extractive Industries in Colombia,” The Extractive Industries and Society, vol.2, #3, pp 734-745. |
2014 | “A Golden Opportunity Lost: Canada’s Human Rights Impact Assessment and the Free Trade Agreement with Colombia,” International Journal of Human Rights, vol 18, #3, pp. 545-566. |
2014 | “Sub Altern Orientalism and Counter Hegemonic Struggles: The Construction of Arab, Chinese and Russian Communities in Chavista Venezuela,” Revista Estudios Políticos, #45, pp 33-54. |
2013 | “Critical Security Studies in the Twenty-First Century: the Resonating Voices of Thucydides,” International Critical Thought, January 2013, pp 1-13. |
2012 | “Security Issues and Colombia’s Democratic Left,” Latin American Perspectives, vol 29, #1, pp 10-37. |
2011 | “Colombian Labor, Globalization and a Ray of Hope,” Global Labor Journal, vol 2, #3, pp.180-207. |
2011 | “Plan Colombia and the Revolution in Military Affairs,” Review of International Affairs, March 2011, #37, pp. 715-740. |
2011 | “Who Said the Cold War is Over: The Political Economy of Strategic Conflict Between Venezuela and Colombia,” Third World Quarterly, Vol 32, #2, 2011, pp 237-260 |
2011 | “Development, the Environment and Ecuador’s Oil Patch The Context and Nuances of the Case Against Texaco,” Journal of Third World Studies, vol 28, #2, pp 11-40. |
2007 | “Latin America’s Left Turn and the New Strategic Landscape: the case of Bolivia,” Third World Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2007, pp. 1327-1342. |