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Manuela Ungureanu
Associate Professor
Currently on leaveOffice: ART 236
Phone: 250.807.9375
Email: manuela.ungureanu@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Social epistemology, philosophy of language, translation studies, philosophy of social sciences.
Courses & Teaching
Philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of social sciences.
Manuela Ungureanu is an associate professor of philosophy at UBC Okanagan. Born in Romania, she holds a PhD from McGill University, and has received her BA from the University of Bucharest. Her research areas include social epistemology, philosophy of language, and philosophy of social sciences. She has a research interest in communication technologies and their impact on higher education systems in Eastern Europe during the communist regimes. Manuela teaches courses in philosophy of mind and language, epistemology, philosophy of social sciences and literacy studies. She also designed and serves as the coordinator for Minds & Music at UBCO.
PhD, McGill University
Selected Publications & Presentations
Recent Publications
Ungureanu, M. (2017) Afara e vopsit gardul, înauntru se citește Hegel si Marx, sau despre rezistența prin “materialismul dialectic și istoric” (Outside the fence is tidy, inside we study Hegel and Marx, or about resistance through “dialectical materialism”) In Un professor de filosofie: Alexandru Valentin, Mircea Flonta, and Liana Ionescu (eds.), Bucharest: University of Bucharest Publishing House.
Ungureanu, M. (2016) Problema întemeierii cunoașterii și străduința comunicării prin limbaj (Founding knowledge in naturalism and the work of linguistic communication). In 60 de ani în universitate: o carte dedicată profesorului Mircea Flonta, Valentin Muresan, Mircea Dumitru, Adrian-Paul Iliescu, Cosmin Vaduva (eds.), vol.1, 2015, Bucharest, University of Bucharest Publishing House.
Ungureanu, M. (2015) A momentous triangle: ontology, methodology and phenomenology in the philosophy of language. In Romanian Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Ilie Parvu, Gabriel Sandu, and Iulian D. Toader (eds.), for Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science, pp.55-70, 2015, Dordrecht: Springer.
Ungureanu, M. (2013) On Goody, his critics and beyond: social metaphysics for cultural anthropology. In AVANT 2, pp.97-123, URL: http://avant.edu.pl/en/22013eng
Recent Presentations
- Canadian branch of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, Ryerson University, Toronto, May 2017
- Center for Applied Ethics, University of Bucharest, October 2016
- Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, University of Bucharest, October 2016
- Canadian Philosophical Association, University of Calgary, Calgary, June 2016
- International Conference of the SOPHA (Societe de philosophie analytique), Universite de Montreal and UQAM, Quebec, June 2015
- Conference of the Polish Academy, University of Torun, Poland, November 2013