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Min Hu
(He, Him, His)Assistant Professor
Office: ART 334Phone: 250.807.8381
Email: min.hu@ubc.ca
Graduate student supervisor

Research Summary
Health Economics, Applied Microeonomics, Labour Economics, Social Policy
Courses & Teaching
ECON204 Intermediate Microeconomics; ECON295 Managerial Economics; ECON360 Labour Economics and ECON363 Health Economics.
My research focuses on the intersection of Health Economics, Labour Economics, Applied Microeconomics, and Econometrics, with a particular emphasis on the well-being of vulnerable populations in Canada, as well as the economics of cancer and social policy. In addition to my research, I have extensive experience teaching both graduate and undergraduate courses in Microeconomics, Health Economics, Labour Economics Econometrics, Healthcare Finance, and Statistics. I am passionate about using economic methods to inform policies that can improve the well-being of vulnerable populations.
PhD, Dalhousie University
Research Interests & Projects
My research spans the fields of Health Economics, Labour Economics, Applied Microeconomics and Econometrics, with a focus on the economics of well-being of vulnerable populations (Immigrants and Indigenous peoples) in Canada, as well as the economics of cancer and social policy-related topics.
Selected Publications & Presentations
“Gender Earnings Gap in Canadian Economics Departments” (2023) with Dilmaghani, M., Applied Economics Letters, 1-8
“Mind the Gap: What Factors Determine the Worse Health Status of Indigenous Women Relative to Men Living Off-Reserve in Canada?” (2022), with Hajizadeh, M., Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 1-27.
“Explaining the gaps in psychological distress and suicidal behaviours between non-Indigenous and Indigenous adults living off-reserve in Canada: a cross-sectional study”, with Hajizadeh, M., Asada, Y., and Bombay, A., CMAJ Open (2021), vol. 9 no. 1 E215-E223.
“Literacy, numeracy, technology skill, and labour market outcomes among Indigenous Peoples in Canada”, with Daley, A., and Warman, C., Canadian Public Policy (2019), 45(1), 48-73.
“Socioeconomic inequalities in health among Indigenous Peoples living off-reserve in Canada: trends and determinants”, with Hajizadeh, M., Asada, Y., and Bombay, A., Health Policy (2019), 122(8), 854-865.
“Language proficiency and immigrants’ economic integration”, with Daley, A., and Warman, C., IZA World of Labor (2019), 469.
“The relative importance of clinical, economic, patient values and feasibility criteria in cancer drug reimbursement in Canada: a revealed preferences analysis of recommendations of the pan-canadian oncology drug review 2011–2017,” with Skedgel, C., and Wranik, D., PharmacoEconomics (2018), 36(4), 467-475.
“Costs of Productivity Loss due to Occupational Cancer in Canada: Estimation Using Claims Data from Workers’ Compensation Boards,” (2017) with Wranik, D., and Muir, A., Health Economics Review, 7(1), 9
Selected Grants & Awards
- SSHRC New Frontiers Research Grant (CI), 2023-2026
- SSHRC PG Grant – Stage 2 (CI), 2022-2027
- CRDCN and Indigenous Service Canada Research Funding (PI), 2021-2022