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Thomas Heilke
Political Science
Office: ART 239Phone: 250.807.8539
Email: thomas.heilke@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Political philosophy and theory; classical political thought; modern political thought; political theology; religion and politics; political ideologies; international relations in political philosophy.
Courses & Teaching
Political philosophy; history of political thought; religion and politics; international relations in political philosophy.
PhD, Duke University
MA, University of Calgary
Selected Publications & Presentations
“Historical Jesus vs. Civilizational Jesus: A Critical Review of Eric Voegelin’s ‘The Gospel and Culture’,” in Michael Franz, ed., To the Right of Order and History: Critical Reflections on Eric Voegelin’s Late Published Essays. (St. Augustine’s Press, forthcoming).
Shannon O’Lear, Thomas Heilke, Eric Hanley, and Mariya Omelicheva, “This isn’t your usual obstacle course: Critical pedagogy with Special Operations Forces,” Geoforum (2016), 159-167. (also published on-line, July, 2016)
John von Heyking and Thomas Heilke, eds., Hunting and Weaving: Essays on Empirical Political Science (South Bend: St. Augustine’s Press, August, 2013) (Editors’ Introduction, 1-20), i-vi, 1-288.
“Can Politics be Creative? Theory and Empirical Evidence.” In John von Heyking and Thomas Heilke, eds., Persons in Politics: Studies in Empirical Political Science (Washington,D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2013), 107-138.
John von Heyking and Thomas Heilke, eds., Persons in Politics: Studies in Empirical Political Science (Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2013) (Editors’ Introduction, vii-xxxv).
“‘Out of Such Crooked Wood:’ How Eric Voegelin Read Immanuel Kant,” in Lee Trepanier and Steven McGuire, eds., Eric Voegelin and the Continental Tradition: Explorations in Modern Political Thought (Columbia & London: University of Missouri Press, 2011), 15-43.
“From Civic Friendship to Communities of Believers: Anabaptist Challenges to Lutheran and Calvinist Discourses.,” in Daniel T. Lochman, Maritere Lopez, and Lorna Hutson, eds., Discourses and Representations of Friendship in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700 (New York: Ashgate, 2010), 225-237.
“Friendship in the Civic Order: A Reformation Absence,” in John von Heyking and Richard G. Avramenko, eds., Friendship and Politics: Essays in Political Thought (Notre Dame: Notre Dame University Press, 2008), 163-193.
From Ideologies to Public Philosophies: An Introduction to Political Theory. Primary author: Paul Schumaker, with Will Delehanty, Dwight Kiel and Thomas Heilke as 10% each co-authors. (Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers, 2008), pp. i-xvi; 1-488.
Korean translation of the final seven chapters of Great Ideas/Grand Schemes: Political Ideologies in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (McGraw-Hill, 1996); coauthored with Paul Schumaker and Dwight Kiel. (Seoul, 2007), pp. 1-476.
Korean translation of the first eight chapters of Great Ideas/Grand Schemes: Political Ideologies in the 19th and 20th Centuries. (McGraw-Hill, 1996); coauthored with Paul Schumaker and Dwight Kiel. (Seoul, 2005), pp. 1-470.
“Realism, Narrative, and Happenstance: Thucydides’ Tale of Brasidas.” American Political Science Review, 98(February, 2004)1, 121-138. The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol 8: Published Essays, 1926-30. Translated by Miroslav Hanak & Jodi Cockerill and edited with an introduction by Thomas Heilke & John von Heyking. Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2003; pp. i-xi, 1-238.
(with Mark Joslyn and Alex Aguado), “The Changing Readability of Introductory Political Science Textbooks: A Case Study of Burns and Peltason, Government by the People.” PS: Political Science and Politics. XXXVI (April, 2003)1, 229-232.
The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol 7: Published Essays, 1922-25. Translated by Miroslav Hanak and edited with an introduction by Thomas Heilke and John von Heyking. Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2003; pp. 1-362.
Patterns in Western Civilization, ed. 3., vol 2 (Simon & Shuster, 2002). (section IV editor: over-all volume edited by Jim Woelfel and Sarah Trulove), (Boston: Pearson Custom Publishing, 2003), pp. 153-261.
The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin, vol 9: Published Essays, 1931-1939. Translated by Miroslav Hanak, and edited with an introduction by Thomas W. Heilke. Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press, 2001; pp. 1-170.
The Re-enchantment of Political Science. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2001; co-edited with an introduction by Thomas W. Heilke and Ashley Woodiwiss; pp. i-xi, 1-262.
Eric Voegelin: The Quest for Reality. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 1999; pp. i-x, 1-193.
Nietzsche’s Tragic Regime: Culture, Aesthetics, and Political Education. DeKalb, Il: Northern Illinois University Press, 1998; pp. i-xv, 1-215.
Ideological Voices: An Anthology in Modern Political Ideas. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1997; co-edited with Paul Schumaker and Dwight Kiel; pp. i-xii, 1-437.
“Locating a Moral/Political Economy: Lessons from Sixteenth-Century Anabaptism.” Polity. 30(Winter, 1997)ii, 199-229.
“Nietzsche’s Impatience: The Spiritual Necessities of Nietzsche’s Politics.” Interpretation. 24 (Winter, 1997)ii, 201-231.
“Theological and Secular Meta-Narratives of Politics: Anabaptist Origins Revisited (Again),” Modern Theology. 13(April, 1997)ii, 227-252.
Great Ideas/Grand Schemes: Political Ideologies in the 19th and 20th Centuries. McGraw-Hill, 1996; coauthored with Paul Schumaker and Dwight Kiel; pp. i-xii, 1-497.
“Anamnetic Tales: The Place of Narrative in Voegelin’s Account of Consciousness.” The Review of Politics. 58(Fall, 1996)iv, 761-792.
“On Being Ethical Without Moral Sadism: Two Readings of Augustine and the Beginnings of the Anabaptist Revolution,” Political Theory 24(Summer,1996)iii, 493-517.
“Science, Philosophy, and Resistance: On Eric Voegelin’s Practice of Opposition,” The Review of Politics. 56 (Fall, 1994)iv, 727-752.
Voegelin on the Idea of Race: An Analysis of Modern European Racism. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1990; pp. i-xiii, 1-161.