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Department of Economics, Philosophy and Political Science
Irving K. Barber Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
University of British Columbia Okanagan
1147 Research Road
Kelowna, BC V1V 1V7
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Gustavo Albuquerque, PhD | Lecturer | Economics, Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | 250.807.8951 | ART 271
Research Interests: Applied Microeconomics; History; Political Economy
Holger Andreas | Associate Professor | Philosophy | | 250.807.8130 | SCI 211
Research Interests: Philosophy of science, formal epistemology, logic.
Courses & Teaching: Philosophy of science, logic, metaphysics, and epistemology.
Christina Behme | Sessional Instructor | Philosophy |
Research Interests: Philosophy of language (especially questions of language acquisition and language evolution); philosophy of mind; early modern philosophy, (especially the work of Rene Descartes); critical thinking; political philosophy (especially questions relating to freedom of speech and freedom of expression); philosophy of motivation, and environmental philosophy.
Courses & Teaching: PHIL 460, PHIL 111, PHIL 331
Jacqueline (Jacqui) Brown (On Leave) | Senior Department Administrator | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | ART 260
Leslie Burkholder | Sessional Instructor | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science |
Courses & Teaching: Computer ethics, symbolic logic, scientific reasoning
Kenneth Carlaw | Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9264 | SCI 263
Research Interests: Evolutionary economics applied to historical technological change and sustainable long term economic growth; application in policy analysis of economic growth, development and sustainability as well in the development of measurement methodology; analysis of issues of socially just wealth distribution.
Courses & Teaching: Macroeconomics; strategic thinking; economic growth; productivity and technological change.
Alberto Ceccacci | Postdoctoral Research Fellow | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | ART 255
Andrea Craig | Assistant Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9345 | ASC 265
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Urban Economics, Applied Microeconomics
Courses & Teaching: Principles of Microeconomics, International Trade, Urban Economics
Catherine Craig | Assistant Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8443 | ART 239
Research Interests: History of Political Philosophy; Politics and Literature; Politics and Art; Politics and Myths; Classical Political Thought; Plato
Wei Dai | Assistant Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9340 | ART 233
Research Interests: Macroeconomics; Monetary Economics; Applied Econometrics; Time Series Analysis; Index Number Theory
Liam Dempsey | Sessional Instructor | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science |
Research Interests: Philosophy of mind, philosophy of emotion, and early modern philosophy.
Courses & Teaching: Recent courses taught include philosophy of mind, philosophy of art, early modern philosophy, critical thinking, and introduction to ethics.
Michael Donison | Sessional Instructor | Political Science |
Research Interests: Canadian central government institutions; English and Canadian constitutional history
Courses & Teaching: POLI 230
B. Curtis Eaton | Adjunct Professor | Economics | | 250.872.9511
Research Interests: Applied microeconomic theory; evolutionary game theory; the economics of social interaction and well-being.
Manfred Elfstrom | Assistant Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8675 | ART243
Research Interests: Chinese politics; social movements; labor; authoritarianism.
Courses & Teaching: Politics of China (POLI 314); Social Movements and Contentious Politics (POLI 413); Authoritarianism (POLI 322); Problems in International Relations: Chinese Foreign Relations (POLI 464H); Introduction to Comparative Politics (POLI 220); Global Studies Panorama (IGS 588).
Brad Epperly | Associate Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8810 | ART 229
Research Interests: Rule of law; law and politics; democracy and authoritarianism; postcommunist politics
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Politics, Philosophy, and Economics (POLI 223); Contemporary European Politics (POLI 464)
Renaud-Philippe Garner | Assistant Professor | Philosophy | | ART 277
Research Interests: The intersection of political and moral philosophy; collective identity and loyalty, e.g. nationalism and patriotism; ethics of war and issues related to social learning and social trust among many others.
Giovanni B. Grandi | Associate Professor | Philosophy | | 250.807.8605 | ART 230
Research Interests: Early modern philosophy, history of economic thought
Courses & Teaching: Early modern philosophy, logic and critical thinking, Austrian school of economics
Thomas Heilke | Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8539 | ART 239
Research Interests: Political philosophy and theory; classical political thought; modern political thought; political theology; religion and politics; political ideologies; international relations in political philosophy.
Courses & Teaching: Political philosophy; history of political thought; religion and politics; international relations in political philosophy.
Maxime Heroux-Legault | Assistant Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.9606 | ART 225
Research Interests: Canadian Politics, Research Methods, Election studies
Courses & Teaching: Canadian Politics, Research Methods, Election studies
Ross Hickey | Associate Professor | Economics, Faculty of Management | | 250.807.8653 | EME 4154
Research Interests: Public finance and political economy; fiscal policy (government expenditure and taxation) and how it is influenced by interactions within a hierarchy of governments (municipal, provincial and federal); elections; lobbying activity.
Courses & Teaching: Public finance; empirical economics; macroeconomics
Min Hu | Assistant Professor | Economics | | 250.807.8381 | ART 334
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Health Economics, Applied Microeonomics, Labour Economics, Social Policy
Courses & Teaching: ECON204 Intermediate Microeconomics; ECON295 Managerial Economics; ECON360 Labour Economics and ECON363 Health Economics.
Dravida Huda | Senior Department Administrator | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | ART 260
Jennifer Ingle (On Leave) | Lecturer | Philosophy | | 250.807.9114
Research Interests: Plato, Feminism, Environmental Ethics, Virtue epistemology
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Computer Ethics, Feminism, Aesthetics
Andrew Irvine | Professor | Philosophy | | 250.807.9704 | ART 309
Research Interests: Bertrand Russell, censorship, and the rule of law.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to philosophy, logic, philosophy of law.
Khan Jahirul Islam, PhD | Lecturer | Economics | | 250.807.9591 | ART 231
Graduate student supervisor. By request at the approval of the Department and/or Dean’s Office.
Research Interests: Economic Development; Financial Inclusion; Economics of Household.
Courses & Teaching: Economic Development; Labour Economics, Data Analysis;
Money and Banking; Financial Economics;
Introduction to Mathematical Economics; Managerial Economics;
Economics of the Environment; Intermediate Macroeconomics;
Principles of Microeconomics
John Janmaat | Professor | Economics | | 250.807.8021 | ART 255
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Environmental and resource economics, with an emphasis on the role of environmental services.
Courses & Teaching: Primary: Knowledge mobilization and sustainability policy; Environmental economics; Natural resource economics. Occasionally: Cost benefit analysis; Experimental economics; Development economics.
James Johnson | Associate Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9391 | ART 232
Research Interests: Labour economics and the economics of education.
Courses & Teaching: Empirical economics; methods of empirical research.
Adam Jones | Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.9624 | ART 257
Research Interests: Genocide and structural violence; crimes against humanity; gender and violence; gender and international political economy; research impacts human rights policymaking and social activism, gender and development policies, humanitarian intervention and peacebuilding, and international law.
Courses & Teaching: Genocide studies; human rights; gender and international relations; mass media.
Liana Knezevic (On Leave) | Department Administrative Assistant | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | 250.807.9574
David Macdonald | Assistant Professor | Economics | | 250.807.8595 | ART 275
Research Interests: Crime and the criminal justice system, public economics and labour economics.
Leslie Marsh | Honorary Research Associate | Philosophy, Political Science |
Research Interests: Philosophy of mind; philosophy of social science; social epistemology; political philosophy; political economy; philosophical literature.
Christopher Martin | Director, Centre for Mindful Engagement | Education, Philosophy | | 250.807.8427 | EME 3159
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: Philosophy of education; educational ethics; the aims of higher education; education for democracy
Courses & Teaching: Philosophical Inquiry in Education
Controversial Issues in Education
Conceptions of Teaching and Learning
Policy and Education
Graham Moore | Lecturer | Philosophy | | ART 253
Research Interests: Philosophy of language, theories of truth and reference.
Courses & Teaching: Introduction to philosophy, Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking, Metaphysics, Bioethics.
Noriko Ozawa | Department Head, Associate Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9303 | ART 266
Research Interests: Industrial organization; applied microeconomics; applied game theory; understanding how firms determine their vertical boundaries and arrange their relationships with suppliers and customers; examines the organizational forms employed by Japanese firms by focusing on their effectiveness for coordinating various production activities.
Courses & Teaching: Consumer behaviour; firm and market structure; business strategy; game theory.
Kit Pasula | Associate Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9370 | ART 238
Research Interests: Macroeconomics; international economics; monetary economics.
Courses & Teaching: ECON 340 - Financial Economics; ECON 356 - International Finance; ECON 402 - Applied Macroeconomic Analysis
Julien Picault | Professor | Economics | | 250.807.9227 | ASC 450
Research Interests: Economic Education and Pedagogy, Labour Economics, Discrimination, and Industrial Organization.
Courses & Teaching: ECON 370 - Benefit-Cost Analysis and the Economics of Project Evaluation; ECON 102 - Principles of Macroeconomics; ECON 351 - Women in the Economy
Madeleine Ransom | Assistant Professor | Philosophy | | ART 338
Research Interests: Philosophy of Perception; Philosophy of Cognitive Science; Philosophy of Technology; Epistemology; Aesthetics.
Courses & Teaching: Philosophy of Technology
Pamela Robinson | Assistant Professor | Philosophy | | ART 241
Research Interests: Rationality; Ethics & Metaethics; Epistemology; AI Ethics & Safety.
James Rochlin | Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.9388 | ART 256
Research Interests: Research Summary: Latin American security and political economy, Critical Security Studies, and Global Politics Theory.
Christopher Ruiz | Sessional Instructor | Political Science |
Research Interests: International politics, statesmanship, and political philosophy
Courses & Teaching: POLI 100, POLI 270
Rallye Shen | Assistant Professor | Economics | | 250.807.8158 | ART 272
Research Interests: Urban economics, economic history
Courses & Teaching: Econometrics; Data and Statistics
Roger Shiner | Adjunct Professor | Philosophy | | 250.470.0333
Research Interests: Philosophy of Law; criminal law, esp. as concerns corporations; freedom of expression, esp. as concerns corporations; 20th-century analytical philosophy of law
Courses & Teaching: Most recently taught Philosophy of Law, Business Ethics, Computer Ethics, Contemporary Moral Issues
Geoffrey Sigalet | Assistant Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8378 | ART 234
Research Interests: Canadian Charter Rights and Public Policy, Federalism, Constitutional Theory, Theories of Constitutional Interpretation, Judicial Politics, Comparative Constitutional Law, and Democratic Theory.
Courses & Teaching: Canadian Charter Politics, Federalism, Comparative Constitutional Law, Democratic Theory.
Manuela Ungureanu (On Leave) | Associate Professor | Philosophy | | 250.807.9375 | ART 236
Research Interests: Social epistemology, philosophy of language, translation studies, philosophy of social sciences.
Courses & Teaching: Philosophy of language, epistemology, philosophy of social sciences.
Wendy Wong | Professor | Political Science | | Landmark 4, 6th Floor, Rm. 624, 1628 Dickson Avenue V1Y 9X1
Courses & Teaching: Human rights; global governance; international relations
Michel Antoine Xhignesse | Sessional Instructor | Economics, Philosophy and Political Science | | Remote
Research Interests: Aesthetics/Philosophy of Art, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Language
Courses & Teaching: PHIL 331 & PHIL 111
Helen Yanacopulos | Professor | Political Science | | 250.807.8267 | Landmark 4, 6th floor, Rm 621, 1628 Dickson Avenue V1Y 9X1
Graduate student supervisor
Research Interests: International Development; civil society and NGOs; strategy and transnational networks; political communication; international norms; anti-slavery; conflict and development, Human Rights.
Courses & Teaching: International Development; Governance and Public Policy, International Relations; Conflict, Global Studies, Global Citizenship.
For Graduate Student profiles, see the College of Graduate Studies website.